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Cities Bogotá

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Code: 2649 [email protected]

Completely remodeled apartment on the ring road with 72nd Street. It has a driver’s lounge, gym, community room, swimming pool, 24-hour security and visitor parking.

Personal information

Remodeled apartment in 1 and 72

Rosales, Bogotá - Colombia
Code: 2649
Sale: $2,500,000,000 COP
Lease: $20,170,000 COP
Manage fee included.
Manage fee included.
Manage fee: $1,670,000 COP

Características del inmueble

4 Floor
315m² Meters
15m² Terrace
4 Rooms
4 Bathrooms
0 Study room
Si Laundry zone
Yes Service room
1 Deposit
3 Parking spaces
37 Built years
6 Stratum

Completely remodeled apartment on the ring road with 72nd Street. It has a driver's lounge, gym, community room, swimming pool, 24-hour security and visitor parking.

